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EIR Exceptions

This advanced workshop is aimed at FOI/EIR practitioners who wish to develop a deeper understanding of the EIR exceptions and how they operate in practice.

Before examining each exception in turn, we will look closely at the presumption in favour of disclosure and the public interest test, particularly focussing on what the courts and tribunals have said is required in relation to these. This will be followed by a detailed examination of the “class based” exceptions in EIR regulation 12(4) and the “adversely affects” exceptions in EIR reg 12 (5). We will review important decisions and provide guidance on what factors should be considered when applying each exception and when drafting a Refusal Notice.

Key Topics

  • The purpose of the EIR and the requirement to interpret the EIR exceptions in a restrictive manner
  • The presumption in favour of disclosure and what this means in practice
  • The operation of the public interest test and public interest arguments relevant to each exception
  • How to establish whether disclosure would have an adverse effect in any given case and the level of evidence required to support this decision
  • The specific requirements of each exception
  • The function of EIR regulation 5 (6)
  • The 'omissions' override and how this operates in practice
  • The personal data exception
  • Refusal Notices, Internal Reviews and Enforcement

Dates & Cost


£449 plus VAT


£499 plus VAT

Timings: 10am to 4pm

Date: 26 Feb 2025
Location: Online

Course tutors

All our associates are experienced information governance professionals who have been training and advising in this field for many years.

  • Philip Jones

    Course Tutor

    Philip has 40 years of information management experience in the public and private sectors both as a practitioner and at a senior management level. He was Head of Information Governance at Staffordshire Council. Philip holds a masters degree in information management and an MBA. He is a senior associate for Act Now and Chair of the Exam Panel.

  • Scott Sammons

    Course Tutor

    Scott is an information governance specialist with over 15 years of experience. He has delivered a number international projects for Act Now Training and is a senior tutor on the Advanced Certificate in GDPR Practice. His previous roles include European Data Protection Lead for a bank and GDPR Implementation lead for a council. Scott is a former Chair of the IRMS.

  • Susan Wolf

    Course Tutor

    Susan holds a judicial position as a Fee Paid Member of the Upper Tribunal (Information Rights). She spent ten years teaching the LLM in Information Rights Law at Northumbria University and developed their Postgraduate Certificate in Data Protection Law and Information Governance. Susan is one of the senior curriculum developers for Act Now Training.

  • Iain Harrison

    Course Tutor

    Iain is currently an Information Governance Risk Manager for large local authority and has over 20 years of experience. He has been delivering training for Act Now for over seven years in GDPR and FOI for public, private and charitiable organisations. His extensive experience in planning and implementation of Information Rights legislation allows him to bring training sessions to life.

  • Craig Geddes

    Course Tutor

    Craig is a certified archivist and records manager with 28 years of experience in information governance. He has served as an Archivist, Records Manager, and Senior Information Officer for numerous Scottish local administrations. Craig has spent many years developing and delivering training on records management, freedom of information and data protection.

  • Kirsty Squires

    Course Tutor

    Kirsty is currently a DPO for a number of local authorities and has over 15 years of experience in Data Governance. She has led the IG Project Team on transformation projects to deliver local government restructure in Northamptonshire, dealing with issues including information sharing, data protection by design and leading on training and policy development.

  • Naomi Matthews

    Course Tutor

    Naomi is a local authority lawyer and holds a judicial position as a Fee Paid Member of the Upper Tribunal (Information Rights). She has extensive experience in all areas of information compliance and RIPA. Her training has been commended by RIPA inspectors and her advice has helped many local authorities understand the law and practicalities of covert surveillance.

  • Suzanne Ballabás

    Course Tutor

    Suzanne Ballabás, is a privacy professional with over ten years of practical experience in implementing privacy practices across various international organisations, in addition to acting as a compliance officer for multiple regulated entities within the UAE’s financial districts of DIFC and ADGM.

  • Olu Odeniyi

    Course Tutor

    Olu Odeniyi is a Cyber Security, Information Security and Digital Transformation Trusted Advisor who has 30 years' experience helping organisations maximise gain from technology solutions, including optimisation of business operations and processes. During this time, Olu held several key senior leadership, strategic and operational positions, in the public and private sectors.

  • Robert Bateman

    Course Tutor

    Robert Bateman is a trainer and writer specialising in privacy, data protection, security, and AI. He is a respected voice on privacy and has been writing, researching, and leading conversations in the field since 2017.

  • Craig Geddes

    Course Tutor

    Craig is a qualified archivist and records manager, with 28 years experience working across the range of information governance activities. He has worked for several Scottish local authorities as Archivist, Records Manager, and Senior Information and Improvement Officer.

What our clients say about us

    A 'whistle-stop' tour of EIR exceptions, yet enough time for case studies, discussions and questions. Helpful insight into interpreting the exceptions; and understanding when and how to practically apply. All delivered by a friendly and knowledgeable tutor.
    SU, Rotherham MBC

    The course was very interesting and informative. It always amazes me how the tutors manage to make an on-line course so engaging, it must be more difficult than face to face courses. Lynn was very friendly, professional and knowledgeable. The fact that she works for a Council in a similar role herself meant that she could really understand and empathise with the issues people have to deal with.
    JB, East Riding of Yorkshire Council